Cowbridge History Society


Membership is open to all those with an interest in history.

The annual subscription is £10.00. Visitors can attend the monthly talks for £2.00

In addition to talks and lectures, members receive an occasional Newsletter and the Society's publications at a discount.


All communications should be via:

Hon. Secretary, Dick Tonkin
Porth Y Felin
Town Mill Road
Cowbridge CF71 7BE
Phone: 01446 772704
Brian Ll. James is President for Life of the Society

The Committee

The Society is managed by a committee elected at its Annual General Meeting:

  • Chair: Professor Dick Buswell
  • Hon. Secretary and Programme Secretary: Dick Tonkin
  • Hon. Treasurer: Beverly Tonkin
  • Publications Officer: Deborah Fisher
  • Betty Alden
  • Don Gerrard
  • Christopher Turner
  • President of the Society: Brian Ll. James

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